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Hi! Ciao! Labas!

My name is Andrius Banelis. I’m a freelance illustrator and graphic designer based in Vilnius, Lithuania. In my work with colors, shapes and textures I keep things simple, yet informative. Same with my life, really.


The Wall Street Journal, Business Insider, Barron’s, Harvard Business Review, Berkeley Haas Magazine, Christian Today Magazine, Entrepreneur Magazine, Travel + Leisure, The Daily Telegraph, The World Today, The Alcalde, Rodrigo Corral Studio, Astra Publishing House, Vilnius University, Geico, Centre for International Governance Innovation, Fine Acts & others.

Featured in:

Osso magazineBallpitmag, Picame, Design Inspiration, Illustrator Served by Behance, Inkygoodnes, Ilustrarte 2018, Picture Desk Magazine, Pinzle Curation

Interviewed by: Ballpitmag

I’m present on: ︎ ︎ ︎

In case of spontaneous hellos, queries, collaboration opportunities, freelance work or a cool project - feel free to ︎ me